What Are Parents’ Called?

Young morning, breakfast in bed,
A little annoyance, a little dread.
A goofy smile bursting through your lips,
Earns you a smacking kiss.
Your innocent dance in the rain,
Your precious tears at a little pain.
The fashion shows and funky hairstyles,
Now far away- Infinity of miles.
My sleepless nights when you were sick,
You childhood, tiny, blue colored crib.
You smell in the silent, unmade bed,
Scattered with prickly crumbs of bread.
Oh! I wish I had never scolded you.
I wish you knew how much I loved you.
But now you’re gone, never to come back again.
My heart’s been broken; it’s never been the same.
Your first step, bike, graduation day,
Evening walks in summers of May.
First relationship and the first heartbreak,
Swearing like a sailor, for your sake.
Your anger walks and the sweet talks,
I remember, to let you dog be named Fox.
Every word, every step I stuck on to, ya
Be it Easter, Holi or Hallelujah.
I’m sorry I could never take you to The New York City.
I’m sorry I treated you with such ferocity.
But my baby’s gone now, it’ll never be the same.
An ache in my heart that refuses to fade.

It’s Raining Awards.

This is unbelievable! In my four day hiatus (sounds funny!) I’ve been nominated for three awards! Can you believe it? Me neither. Thank y’all amazing readers. I was nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award by Shambhavi from Ultimate Solace and AdiC from Inking The Thinking, who are both amazing bloggers, really talented with amazing write ups. And I was nominated for the The Real Neat Blog again, by the the interesting Savio at Theextramile. Thank you all very much. I’m so happy you like my blog.

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So here are 7 facts about me:

1. I’m in class 12, and it’s been an extremely hectic week for me.
2. I’ve got a younger sister who is extremely annoying because she loves One Direction.
3. I have no piercings (except ears), no tattoos and I don’t have colored hair but I’d love to have all three one day.
4. I recently dreamt that my friend got into IIT (yes, you Gavaran!) but she was so stupid that she declined her admission.
5. I’m still reading The General In His Labyrinth.
6. I am very competitive, but I want to change that to a positive way.
7. I got one item off my Bucket List last to last weekend. I’m yet to write about it.

The nominations are:

Caitlin at The Little Daydreamer
JD at The Happy Typewriter
Priyanka at Beatific Ray
purva at Banjarann

Congratulations everyone. The rules for this award are:

1. Acknowledge the blog that has nominated you. That’s me!
2. Disclose 7 facts about you.
3. Nominate atleast 15 blogs for the same.

The rules for the Real Neat Blog Award are:

  • Insert the award logo onto your post.
  • Answer the seven questions they asked you.
  • Thank the blogger who nominated you
  • Nominate other bloggers and ask them seven questions (let them know you’ve nominated them!)

The questions are:

1. What personal qualities do you hold most important in your life?
I feel that a person should be confident to stand up for himself. Humility is necessary, because being successful is easy. The biggest challenge after success is shutting up about it.
2. In life, do you think you are putting unnecessary pressure on yourself?
No. I feel that I am hardly putting any pressure on me, and that is worrying me. I’ve become very lackadaisical in the past few months. It’s a recipe for disaster. My parents are doing that for me. And I’m working on that step by step.
3. If there was one message you could give to the world, what would it be?

4. Money v/s Job Satisfaction at the workplace? What holds more importance and why?
A bit of both. As they say, your work is play if it is what you love. So job satisfaction is important. I you love what you work, and you work hard, money is bound to come your way. As the great Ranchordas Shamaldas Chanchad said, “Beta kabil bano kabil, Kamyabi to sali zak mar ke tumhare piche ayegi.” Follow excellence, success will follow you.
5. What is the one thing you would do and the one place you would be if you were invisible?
I’d take a flight to the Mumbai and enter SRK’s home and meet him personally.

Since I receive the award just a few days ago, I won’t have any nominees this time.

Thanks a lot for reading and appreciating my blog,

Akanksha 😀

A Twinkling Eye.

This poem was composed impromptu, for a Creative Writing Competition that was organized in my school today. The first line of the poem, was the topic. How do you feel about it?

A twinkling eye can mean many things,
A depth in the souls’ many rings.
A sliver of hope when everything’s blue,
In the mystery of life, a clue.
A twinkling eye speaks laughter,
it’s free. It knows no master.
And it can be the recipe for disaster.
Insight of one’s intellect,
Evidence of profound knowledge too,
Points to ideas, choices, beliefs and sects,
Its attracting, magnetic, piercing through.
Its sly, can be true, or diligently sincere,
Also a look of courage displacing fear.
Witty, sarcastic, and smirking sometimes,
Looking both sweet as sugar and sour as lime.
A twinkling eye can be the gate to memories,
Both joyful and melancholy, as you please.
And so, a twinkling eye can mean many things.
Depends on the minds of people what meaning it brings.

“The light of the eyes rejoiceth the heart.” – Bible, Proverb 15:30